Sunday, March 9, 2014

It's time for another "blogging." Sorry, that one was to hard to resist. Today is March 9, 2014, and I am so looking forward to Spring and warmer temperatures coming to this lovely sunflower state of Kansas.
Tonight's blog will be short; due to the fact that I haven't anything concrete to write about on the subject of my essay. That being said, however, I have located some wonderful resource books at my local public library, The Derby Library. I paid said library a visit on Saturday afternoon, actually it was late afternoon and just about the time I located the books that will be useful in my essay, the voice on the intercom announced that the library was closing. I have plans to go back and feast on a couple of neat old books. One is of old newspaper articles and the other one is about Kansas history. As I quickly looked them over on Saturday, I found a biography on James R. Mead. I am so excited and can hardly wait to get back to the library and read it from the beginning to the last period.
Another new development is that my Prof. mentioned to me that it might be helpful to create a timeline of the people and places that I've been researching. I think that was a capital idea and will be starting on that right away.  I know I've said it before, but I do enjoy researching history about the frontier days and the pioneers. I've always had a fascination about who these people were and what their lives were like. I know they were hard times; very hard times, but it was also a less cluttered time. A time when people had time to talk to each other without a cell phone going off. It's so irritating to have dinner with someone who is more interested in what's being posted on Facebook than what the person right next to them is saying. The children, for the most part, obeyed their parents and Biblical morality was the code that was excepted as proper. Nothing was wasted and all that one had came from working hard and saving the money to buy it. Not to much credit went on then, although having a tab at the local mercantile wasn't unheard of, not to mention the local saloon.
Horses got pretty good M.P.G., until they decided to put them under the hood of a motorized buggy and then the M.P.G. took a dive. People weren't obese and you probably didn't have to worry much about what you were going to have for supper, because you had the same thing every night, if you had anything for supper that is.
I think about my grandparents on my mom's side, they had a bowl of oatmeal and pancakes for breakfast every single day, year after year. No sausage or ham, no bacon and no eggs, just oatmeal and pancakes and easy on the syrup. I can remember my mom's uncle say that if you had butter on your bread, you didn't need jelly; and if you had jelly, you didn't need butter. To put both on the same piece of bread was considered wasteful.
Well, so much for my recollections for one night, I think I will consider this post finished. Today was the first day of daylight savings time and everyone is tired, of course we're always tired, but even more so today when we've had to move one whole hour of beautiful sleep to the end of the "time-line" until we grab it back next fall. Good night; Good night, until it be marrow, or something like that!

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