Monday, March 24, 2014

Hi there,
Today is the 24th of March and this month is almost gone. Time is zooming by as the months and years rotate in their appointed paths. Sooner than we can imagine, we will be the people being researched for school essays. Maybe not you nor I personally, but our time and place in history.
Spring break is over and classes resume today. I worked very hard all last week on the # 2 essay for English class. I do believe it is ready for Wednesdays class. The work I did last week was getting the reference material in order for an annotated biographical page. The whole process of learning about writing is very interesting and I know it will be a valuable tool that I will use through out the rest of my life.
The next thing is an essay on persuasion. We have to introduce a clear thesis that can support three arguments. and come up with an effective conclusion. It also needs to incorporate the subject of our fourth and finial essay; the reason for all of the research and writing and worrying that I've done this semester. Each paper we do is getting us closer to the finished product for this class. It's really kind of neat to see things working themselves together into one cohesive work. I've begun to think about the plaques that I need to write text for, which is what I am working towards for the completion of my essay. I think I have plenty of research material now, I just have to figure out the best way to take what I have and what I've learned about the time period, the people and the city of Wichita to write a good paper and complete the assignment.
It's almost time for me got get to my Spanish class, and I still have to get my shoes and socks on. Isn't it funny, as in "hum," that we always say shoes first and then socks, when we have to put on the socks before the shoes? Is there a lessen in that phrase somewhere?
Hope all of you had a wonderful Spring break and are ready, maybe even excited about getting back to class. That's all I have for this time,

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