Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hello Blogger Buddies, it's been a while since I've been on. So much to do, so little time.... The end of the semester is so quickly approaching and it's past time for me to get my research paper going. I finished my last regular essay today and thought I would sit right down and start working on this most major piece of work. Alas, I can't seem to make any head way. Some of my notes that I wrote months age must be looked for. Thought I had it all together, both figuratively and vocationally. Well, I suppose it will get done one way or another.
    My first job is to set the stage for my paper, where I will  introduce myself as an appointed member of a committee that is going to create new plaques and signs to be placed in various places around the city. This is being done to commemorate the city of Wichita,s sesquicentennial in 2020.  It is my responsibility to write the text for several of the plaques and I have chosen a few names of people who were instrumental in bring   Wichita  from the prairie to a growing, industrious city.
    I know I need to write much more about my plans for this paper, but quite frankly, I'm to tired right now to type another word, and I love to write. So I bid you all a wonderful evening.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hello Blogging Friends,
What I want to share with you today is related to my English Comp 2 finial essay, but not about the research. The Search, would be good words to describe it because I couldn't fine the notebook that I had taken with me to the Library the day I spent a couple of hours, if not longer, writing down things from the Kansas Collection section,research books. You can't check them out, you know, so I sat there scribbling down information, reading and looking for things that would be useful in writing my big essay. Well, yesterday I wanted that notebook so I can begin working on my #3 essay. I will be using my research material in that assignment, but I couldn't find that notebook anywhere. I looked downstairs and everywhere I could think of, picking up stacks of papers, notebooks and books, then going back through the same process again. I did this about three times. Finally, I decided to stop the searching for that notebook and work on my Spanish work. I had been practicing verbs and direct object pronouns and para & por, at the kitchen table. When I realized that the notebook I was using for writing these things over and over again was red, like the one I had taken to the library. Picking it up and flipping the pages, there it was; every beautiful page of the notes that I'd been looking so hard for. I was so thrilled, you would have thought it was Christmas. What a relief!! I was beginning to think that I was going to have to do that work all over again. I'm a happy student!
There was something that I meant to tell you about on my last blog, but I forgot. How I could have forgotten  this information, I don't know, but it's very interesting and how I came to know about it was most unexpected. Twice a month I go for therapy for some unfortunate baggage from years gone by. Nothing terribly bad, just need to get a new perspective on some things, which I have and all is good, or at least getting better. Well, the place where I go is in this big old house in Wichita. It's a beautiful house and I haven't taken a tour through the whole thing, but I am going to as soon as possible. I knew from the style that it had probably been built in the very late 1800's. I've always loved old houses and antiques, etc. I just found out last week that this very house was the last house that William Mathewson, the real, the authentic, the one and only, Buffalo Bill, himself, built in Wichita. He built about five houses, but this one was the last one.After all of the research that I have done on the early days of Wichita, I was amazed that I was standing in one of the houses that this famous person, one of Wichita's founding fathers built. I am still giddy over that knowledge, and can't wait until I go there next time. Oh my, my, my...
Well that's my news good BFs (blogger friends).
Until next time, happy researching,

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Good Morning,
Today is April 2,2014 and it's been awhile since I've been on my blog. Because of other homework assignments both for this class and for my Spanish class, time has been at a premium. I wish I were a faster thinker and worker. In English Comp 2; the class that I'm writing this blog for, we've been reading about Artificial Intelligence. It's a very interesting subject, although I think some of the writers of the articles that we were required to read are just goofy, wondering is a robot can have a soul or could be classified as a human.
As I said; in my opinion they are wasting time. When I was a kid in grade school, I remember thinking how cool it would be to have a machine that we could put out text books into and it would pop out our homework, all finished and totally correct. I imagined in my mind this big box like those that washing machines might come in. I couldn't have believed back then that today we'd have computers in every home and are able to access so much information. My desk top doesn't do my homework for me, but it sure makes some of it easier. Life is so funny sometimes.
Well, that was a little rabbit trail; what I really want to write about today is the assigned #3 essay on Persuasion. Two things I'm not good at is arguments and persuasion. I absolutely hate and avoid arguments, however, I understand that this is slightly different in that these arguments are of a friendly sort, used in order to prove a point of view. In essay #3 I am to write a persuasive paper with at least 3 arguments that are from the research work that I've done for my research paper; about the early days of Wichita. I have thought and thought about what arguments I have encountered during my searching out information for this paper.
I believe one that I might use is a disagreement between James Mead and another man; who I will have to look up in my blog; who disagreed about the treatment of the Native American Indians, particularly the Wichita Indians. The other argument is one between James Mead and some of the other founding fathers of Wichita, concerning the naming of Wichita. What the third argument will be, I don't know yet, but I'm sure there's one in there somewhere. Then to take these arguments and put them into a persuasive form. It's going to be interesting to see how this comes out. I believe this paper is due next Wednesday, which means I have a week to get it ready...Oh, my little brain!!!!
Well, stay tuned and I will try to fill you in on my progress as I work through this assignment. By the way, thanks for listening to my ramblings.